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Portal Syncing

Did you know that the server has a Nether Network?​

In order to facilitate faster and easier travel and keep the community connected, a standardized network of tunnels and passages has been created in the Nether, branching out from a central Hub that corresponds to the Overworld Spawn. Players are encouraged to hook up their Nether portals to the Nether Network - it's public, and it's free!

The Nether Network is built at y115. The four main tunnels branching off the Hub in the cardinal directions (N,S,E,W) are all located at y115, and players hooking up offshoot passages are asked to build their connections at y115 as well.

So, you've built a portal, and you're ready to go deeper!

Let's start by ensuring you can sync up your Overworld and Nether portals.​

Sometimes when a new player builds a portal in the Overworld, they pop out in an existing Nether portal, because the game sends them through the closest available portal in the Nether instead of creating a new one.

Other times, a player will build a portal in the Overworld, and the new portal created in the Nether is in a precarious place - over an ocean of lava, at the edge of a cliff, or near the bottom of the plain.

That's okay! We can fix this.

Before you go through your Overworld portal for the first time, take note of the X and Z coordinates. Plug those coordinates into one of these Portal Calculators, and take note of the corresponding X and Z coordinates given for your Nether hookup.

You can disregard the Y coordinate because your goal is to build at y115 in the Nether - moving your portal vertically (up and down on the Y coordinate) will not affect the X and Z coordinates in any way.

Now that you have your Nether hookup coordinates, make sure you're prepared to go! Here's a good list of things to bring with you into the Nether to ensure you'll be ready to complete your hookup.

  1. 10 obsidian blocks (for building your new portal in the Nether)
  2. A diamond pick (in case you misplace an obsidian block, or need to deactivate an auto-generated portal)
  3. Any other variety pick (to dig through the Netherrack)
  4. Dirt or cobble (to nerd-pole or bridge across any gaps between you and your hookup coordinates)
  5. Flint & steel (you need this to light your new portal!)

Got your stuff? Let's go!​

Once you enter the Nether, take note of your surroundings.

  • If you came out of a portal connected to a tunnel, you probably came through a pre-existing portal. That means you're probably already on y115 - now you just need to locate your hookup cords!
  • If you came out of a portal with no clearly indicated pathway around it, you probably came through a newly generated portal. You're probably not on y115, so you'll want to deactivate this portal. Do that by breaking at least one of the obsidian blocks on the side of the portal. You'll need to make your way up or down to y115, and then start searching for your hookup cords. Once you've located your hookup cords, build your new portal and light it. Stepping through will sync your overworld portal to the new portal you just created in the Nether! Now you can dig/bridge your way to the nearest Hub tunnel or offshoot passage, and you're ready to use the Nether Network!

If visual/audio is more your style, check out this video by Catastr0phy:​